If you receive your water from your own well, you need the pump to function properly. Unfortunately, pumps often have minds of their own. If the pump to your well decides to go out, you might find yourself without any water while you try to fix the problem. If your pump has decided to stop working, you need to get it fixed as quickly as possible. Here are three steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem and get your pump working again.

Check the Power

If your pump has stopped working, the first thing you need to do is check the power. This might seem like an overly-simplified suggestion, but power surges can actually trip the power, which will cause your pump to shut off. Locate your breaker box and take a look at the circuit for your well. If it's been tripped to the off position, switch it back to on and try to power your pump back up.

Consider the Weather

If the pump is working, but it's making sputtering sounds, the water level might have dropped. This is particularly true if the weather has been particularly dry. Drought conditions can affect the level of your water table, which can interfere with the performance of your well. If it hasn't rained in a while, this is a good time to have a technician come out and measure the depth of your water table. If the water level is too low for your pump to work effectively, you might have to have it repositioned. It's important to note that there are other signs that might indicate that your water level has been affected by drought. Those signs include:

  • Murky water
  • Muddy water
  • Foul or odd tasting water

Inspect the Pressure Tank

If the power is working properly and the pump is in the right position, you'll need to inspect your pressure tank. If too much water has been drawn from the pressure tank, the tank can power down. If that's happened, you'll need to restore pressure to the tank and restart the system. Look at the feed line located on the top of your pressure tank and find the small silver bar. If it's not resting parallel to the ground, you'll need to reset the tank. Reset the tank by closing all the water valves and lifting the handle on the tank until it engages. This will refill the pressure tank. Once it's refilled, you can reopen the water valves.

If your pump is acting up, use the troubleshooting guide provided above to help locate the problem. If you continue to experience problems, be sure to contact your repair technician as soon as possible. 

Talk to a business like PFC Equipment, Inc for more help.
