Packaging plays a major role in the overall accessibility and cost of any product. Without the right packaging, the safety and aesthetic appeal of a product could be compromised.

Thermoplastics have emerged as the material of choice for many packaging manufacturers. There are several different types of thermoplastics to choose from, including low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

Product manufacturers needing to source plastic bottles may find it challenging to determine which type of thermoplastic will best meet their packaging needs. Consider the following three factors when determining if you should invest in LDPE sheets to ensure you have the right packaging for your product in the future.

1. Product Visibility

The first thing to take into consideration when selecting the thermoplastic that you will use for your bottle packaging is the desired visibility of your product. Some manufacturers want consumers to be able to view the product contained within a bottle. This is especially true for products with a unique color or texture that consumers will find appealing. Some products have no visual appeal for consumers, and manufacturers prefer to keep the product itself hidden from view.

LDPE sheets can be used to create plastic bottles that are slightly opaque or colored in nature. The opaqueness of the LDPE allows manufacturers to make the packaging the central focus of any product. If you don't need to maintain complete visibility for the product housed within your plastic bottles, then bottles made from LDPE sheets are a great choice for your packaging material.

2. Product Storage Temperature

The temperature at which your product will need to be stored after purchase can influence your choices when it comes to selecting packaging materials.

LDPE sheets are the perfect choice for bottles housing products that will need to be refrigerated for an extended period of time. The branched crystalline molecular structure of LDPE allows this plastic to maintain its integrity when exposed to cool temperatures.

You won't have to worry about your LDPE bottles becoming brittle, cracking, or sustaining any serious damage when stored in a refrigerator. LDPE's resistance to cold temperatures makes this thermoplastic an excellent choice for perishable food items or pharmaceutical products that are sensitive to temperature.

3. Packaging Flexibility

Some products need to be squeezed out of a bottle each time they are used. LDPE is one of the few thermoplastic materials that can provide the flexibility required to allow for repeated squeezing. The increased branching in the crystalline structure of LDPE results in a softer and more flexible plastic. LDPE sheets have an extremely high ductility rating, which means that they are capable of bouncing back to their original form after being exposed to tensile strength.

The loose molecular bonds that contribute to the flexibility of LDPE allow for bottles made from this material to stretch without breaking. LDPE sheets are a great choice for packaging many food, health and beauty, and pharmaceutical products. The flexible bottles produced from LDPE sheets are great for multi-use products, and they can help to maintain the sterility of the products they house over time.

The right packaging is critical to the overall success of any product. Packaging materials must be durable, attractive, and complement the intended use of the products they contain. LDPE plastic sheets can be transformed into bottles that offer a number of unique advantages when it comes to packaging your products.

Anytime you need bottle packaging that obscures the visibility of your product, can be exposed to cool temperatures for extended periods of time, or can be squeezed repeatedly without sustaining damage, LDPE sheets can meet your needs. To get more information about LDPE sheets, contact a manufacturer near you.
